The Old Fire Recovery Group

Of San Bernardino Valley

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Second anniversary pictures

Here are a few pictures of our two year anniversary event held on October 24, 2005;

click on thumbnail to enlarge.

Starting at 3968 Modesto

We started out at 3968 Modesto.

Handing out certificates from the City of San Bernardino

Finished up at 1258 Sonora.  That's me, handing out certificates from the City of San Bernardino.

Resolution read by the office of Senator Nell Soto

Resolution read by a local representative of Senator Nell Soto's office.

Resolution presented by the local office of state Senator Nell Soto

Resolution presented to the Old Fire Recovery Group by Senator Nell Soto's office

Accepting the resolution

The group accepts the resolution.

© Disaster Survivor Network

Last Updated: March 22, 2006